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Analysis of Genuine Karate 2: Sociocultural Development, Commercialization, and Loss of Essential Knowledge
by Hermann Bayer, Ph.D.
Genuine Okinawan Karate was developed as a fighting tool. Non-Okinawan Karate is for other purposes. Supported by historical facts, scientific analysis, and public records, Dr. Bayer reveals the complex evolution of karate and the unsettled claims made upon it by various stakeholders.Only 2 unit(s) left.
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Genuine Okinawan Karate was developed as a fighting tool.
Non-Okinawan Karate is for other purposes.
Karate practitioners and everyone caring about Asian martial arts and its culture will enthusiastically appreciate this eye-opening work.
Dr. Bayer further reveals how the art of karate was used to prepare a nation (Japan) for total war, how it became Japanized and commercialized in the postwar period, and how its following transformation into athletic showmanship destroyed the art’s unity and distinctiveness.
Without denigrating karate’s later developments, Bayer endorses karate-jutsu as a genuine Okinawan martial art and identifies the social forces that turned this local fighting art into a symbol of national identity.
Martial arts were initially understood as a morally neutral tool, like a weapon, contrary to the modern understanding of karate as a peaceful art centered on nonviolence. In truth, moral codes, or guidelines on how to use this tool were developed separately, not within the art.
Today, a “back to the roots” karate-jutsu movement is arising as a counterweight to karate-do’s industrialization, helping to integrate some neglected aspects of karate-jutsu back into karate-do. Such a development brings Japanized versions closer to their martial origins, while pure karate-jutsu will be preserved as a point of reference by a group of dedicated curators.
Supported by historical facts, scientific analysis, and public records, Dr. Bayer reveals the complex evolution of karate and the unsettled claims made upon it by various stakeholders.
"Hermann Bayer once again provides fresh perspectives and prudent explanations of the complex developments of karate-jutsu into karatedo and into sports-karate. He not only dares, in his seventies, to successfully add a combat karate system from scratch up to black belt to his thirty years of karatedo training, but he assesses his training observations and experiences with analytic acumen and astute research."—Noel Smith, Hanshi 9th Dan Yamashita International Budo Association, Kyoshi, 8th Dan Shorin Ryu, Shorinkan, head coach for the US karate team (1973 to 1978), USA Karate Hall of Fame Inductee (1976)
"All who are serious about knowing more concerning the early life protection methods developed on Okinawa, and how they’ve “morphed” since then to become the karate-do many know today, will applaud this latest work by Dr. Bayer. I found it to be just as important to the future of genuine Okinawan karate as his first book, if not more so. This well-researched, comprehensive blend of history, philosophy, martial culture, and informed opinion educates our judgment when it comes to the reasons practitioners are rarely exposed to more than a glimpse of “genuine karate” these days, on Okinawa or elsewhere. This book fills numerous gaps in our understanding of that which we seek to learn and share. It provides thoughtful perspectives and honest appraisals—all with the intention of helping us steer a “true course.”" —William “Bill” Hayes, Hanshi, 9th Dan Shorin Ryu, Shobayashi-Kan, Major United States Marine Corps (retired), Karate Masters’ Hall of Fame and American-Okinawan Karate Association Hall of Fame Inductee, award-winning author of My Journey with the Grandmaster: Reflections of an American Martial Artist on Okinawa
"Supported by historical and socio-cultural facts, scientific analysis, and public records, Bayer examines how Japan reinterpreted Okinawan karate to best serve its own nationalistic agenda. Through his collective analyses he quantifies karate as an industry and reveals a complex and convoluted evolution, aptly illuminating the motivations behind various stakeholders." —Patrick McCarthy, Hanshi 9th Dan, ranks in jujutsu, judo, Yamaneryu kobudo, and Japanese swordsmanship; martial arts researcher, historian, and best-selling author. Director of the International Ryukyu Karate Research Society, Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame Inductee (2012)
"Once again, the author, Dr Hermann Bayer, invites karateka around the world to look at their art through the lens of reality rather than myth. His dedication to budo karate is clear, but that enthusiasm is put to one side as he burrows further into the legends, propaganda, and misinformation entrenched in modern-day karate, a field of study and practice where many students and teachers regularly mistake fiction for fact and place imagery over substance. As with his first volume, a level of discomfort while reading this book should not be unexpected. The book challenges the reader to examine their beliefs, and that alone makes the work a valuable tool in the learning of karate. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone making a serious study of karate." —Michael Clarke, Kyoshi, 8th Dan Okinawan Goju-Ryu, award-winning author of The Art of Hojo Undo, Shin Gi Tai, and others
"The first source for you to learn more about your karate. Analysis of Genuine Karate 2 is second to none!" —Kris Wilder, 6th Dan Goju-Ryu, black belt taekwondo and judo, USA Karate Hall of Fame Inductee (2018), award-winning author of more than twenty marital arts books, including The Way of Kata, The Way of Sanchin Kata, and others
"Analysis of Genuine Karate 2 follows the first volume nicely. This is an insightful look at the multiple directions modern karate is taking based on the historic roots discussed in the first volume. An excellent reference for anyone interested in the history of karate and the directions it is currently moving toward." —Raymond “Gene” Adkins, Renshi 6th Dan Shorin Ryu, Shorinkan
"Dr. Bayer’s Analysis of Genuine Karate 2 expands on and develops a further analysis of the concepts and relationships of karate-jutsu, karatedo, and sports-karate. Drawing on an anthology of publications, educational materials, people, places, and concepts, Dr. Bayer furthers his analysis of what he has termed “Genuine Karate,” discussing how it evolved, retreated, and is reinventing itself. Volume 2 is a wonderful exploration of his research and findings and his relevant exploration of Okinawa’s “Gift to the World”―Okinawan karate." —Ted Jacobson, Renshi, 6th Dan Shorin Ryu, Shorinkan
"Analysis of Genuine Karate 2 is a book that reflects a love, devotion, dedication, and level of knowledge that in my opinion is comparable to, if not exceeds, anything that has been published on the topic." —Bernard N. Curry, PhD, LCSW, CSOTP, CCTP, university professor
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