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Streaming Videos

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There are many reasons we need to detox in today's world, clearing our circulation of toxins...
$24.98 $17.49
Awaken your inner healer, promote healthy blood circulation, and open your heart! Qigong Flow for a...
$24.98 $17.49
Breathe into the present moment, boost your immune system, and energize your body with qi. Qigong...
$24.98 $17.49
Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver is a complete routine designed to support the liver and gallbladder....
$24.98 $17.49
Connect to your center, get grounded, and support healthy digestion. Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen...
$24.98 $17.49
Rejuvenate your energy, and tap into the effortless flow of your own internal power source. Qigong...
$34.98 $24.49
Five hours of powerful qigong lessons, with various lengths, choice of music or without. Your...
$24.98 $17.49
The “YoQi: Qigong Flow for Stress and Anxiety Relief” movements empower you to transform stress and...
$24.98 $17.49
It is well known that grief, fear, stress, anger, and worry have a direct effect on our health and...